Recruitment Training

Recruitment Training: The Human way

Recruitment Methods have evolved. The way we attract, engage and retain talent has changed. Are your processes up to date?

Perhaps your recruitment process needs a refresh. Do you find candidates drop out at the final stage?  Do you struggle to attract top talent in the first place? If any or all of these apply, we’d love to help.

Human Recruitment Training develops your team in the following areas:

Proactive recruitment practices including; 100 cups of coffee, talent pipeline nurture techniques and positioning themselves as an employer of choice.

Social recruiting systems – LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter recruiting techniques to increase exposure of your employer brand, vacancies and to position you as an employer of choice

Hiring methods – we will support your hiring managers to make the most of their time with both passive and active talent including;

Engaging and attracting passive and active talent

McQuaig suite and Job Fit interview guide

Beyond Facts and Achievements – explore the benefits to your business. Does past success equal future success?

How to sell the opportunity

For more information on getting started with a Human Approach to Recruitment, please get in touch today

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