Psychometric Testing

A Human Approach to Psychometric testing

At Human we believe the best candidate is the one who adds value to your existing team, by bringing the right skills, experience and behaviours to your team. That’s why we’ve worked hard to develop an evidence based approach to recruitment: A Human application of artificial intelligence. Part of that process involves McQuaig Psychometric testing.

You will find that The McQuaig Psychometric System is an easy to use online personality profiling system.

With McQuaig you can:

Benchmark a role internally.
Recruit to the needs of that role.
Develop your people based on their strengths.
Retain your Super Humans.
McQuaig Behavioural Profiling Support Packages

We offer McQuaig Word Survey Behavioural Profiling Support packages in multiples of 5.

All packages include unlimited Job Surveys.

The McQuaig Job Survey®

The McQuaig Job Survey® is an online tool and includes 6 reports. It helps managers, stakeholders and recruiters clearly and quickly define the behavioural requirements for any job at any level.

Use The McQuaig Job Survey® to create an internal benchmark for the role by establishing the type of behaviours you believe will assist a person in that job.

A job description (tasks and duties) will tell us what we want someone to do. The McQuaig Job Survey® will tell us how we want them to do it.

The McQuaig Job Survey® includes:

Profile Graph & Interpretation report.
Leadership Profile.
Selling Style Report.
Interviewing Questions.
Reference Checking Questions.

The McQuaig Word Survey®

The McQuaig Word Survey® is personality profiling tool and includes 10 easy to read reports. It is online and takes 10-20 minutes to complete.

The McQuaig Word Survey® is a personality test that measures core personality traits as well as how a person is behaving in their current role or job. The analysis between the two shows any adjustments the individual is making. This is important as it includes high and low morale etc.

There is no pass or fail. The McQuaig Word Survey® indicates how a person’s temperament is likely to influence their future behaviour. This in turn helps identify strategies to recruit, manage, develop and retain.

The McQuaig Word Survey® includes:

Profile Graph.
Interpretation Report.
Leadership Profile.
Selling Style Report.
Interviewing Questions.
Management Overview.
Motivating Factors.
Strategies for Coaching and Developing.
Learning Style Report.
Team Approach.

The McQuaig Job Fit Interview Guide

The McQuaig Job Fit Interview Guide is a practical report to help managers interview better.

The report includes:

Pre-interview checklist
1 hour interview structure
Candidate-job comparison
Tips for a successful interview
Post-interview checklist

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