Career Mentoring

Human’s innovative Mentoring Programme is an exciting collaboration between our clients and candidates. We use innovative technologies along with our skills in matching individuals needs, values and aspirations to match mentors and mentees; bringing them together in a relationship where they offer each other development opportunities, guidance and peer to peer support.

Throughout the process, we ask our mentors and mentees to identify key issues within the industry and pass this to our speakers to explore at our HR peer networking events.

What is Mentoring?

Human Mentoring is an informal personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person to support their career development, discuss best practice and share experiences. Individuals get the most out of mentoring when the relationship is ongoing and includes both, dialogue and challenge.

The programme is most effective for professionals who:

Are curious about how other organisations operate
value the benefit of an objective professional from a related, non-competing organisation offer challenge and guidance
are able to invest 1-2 hours per month in your own or another’s personal development.
like to utilise your knowledge and experience to help others gain valuable skills and experiences.
How do I get started?

Each mentor and mentee are asked to complete one of innovative HumanDNA™ profiles. Each profile includes a short video, your CV and an overview of the reasons you’re interested in mentoring. One of the team will then speak with you to determine the next steps.

As a Mentor:

We’ll provide all mentors with an overview of the programme and help you to determine the knowledge and experience you’ll be able to offer to support your chosen mentee.

As a Mentee:

We’ll discuss any development areas or skills gaps you’d like to develop or challenges you are currently facing.

You’ll also receive full training from one of our mentors; many of which are HR Directors, Head of HR or Consultants.

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