Culture Audit

Capturing what’s great about your organisation and identifying opportunities to improve.

The Human Culture Capture Audit is a deep listening exercise to understand what’s going well and where your team thinks improvements can be made. 

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are always looking for ways to gain a competitive edge. While many focus on things like product innovation or market expansion, one area that is often overlooked is the company’s culture and operations.

The truth is that the culture and operations of a company can be major blockages that prevent it from achieving its full potential. Whether it’s a toxic work environment, outdated processes, or inefficient operations, these factors can lead to a host of problems.

Why you should prioritise

Culture Audit and Development

Talent Attrition

One of the most significant problems that can arise from a poor company culture is talent attrition. When employees don’t feel valued or respected, they are more likely to look for opportunities elsewhere. This can lead to a revolving door of employees, which can be costly for a company in terms of lost productivity, training costs, and recruitment expenses.

To address this issue, companies need to focus on creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported. This can involve things like offering competitive salaries and benefits, providing opportunities for professional development and growth, and fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration.

to Hire

Another common problem that can arise from a poor company culture is an inability to hire top talent. When word gets out that a company has a toxic work environment or high turnover rates, it can be challenging to attract qualified candidates. This can be particularly problematic in competitive industries where top talent is in high demand.

To overcome this challenge, companies need to focus on improving their employer brand. This can involve things like highlighting positive reviews from current and former employees, showcasing the company’s values and mission, and being transparent about the company’s culture and work environment.

Operational Drag

Poor company operations can also be a significant blockage to success. When processes are outdated or inefficient, it can lead to operational drag, which can slow down productivity and increase costs. This can be particularly problematic in industries where speed and efficiency are critical to success.

To address this issue, companies need to focus on streamlining their operations and processes. This can involve things like investing in new technology and tools to automate repetitive tasks, simplifying workflows, and eliminating unnecessary steps in the process.


Finally, a poor company culture can also lead to flight risk. When employees feel unhappy or unsupported, they are more likely to leave the company, which can create instability and disrupt operations. This can be particularly problematic in industries where specialised knowledge and expertise are critical to success.

By focusing on creating a positive work environment, streamlining operations, and investing in employee development and retention, companies can overcome these blockages and achieve long-term success.

Are you struggling to attract and retain top talent in your organisation? Are you experiencing operational drag that’s slowing down productivity and increasing costs? If so, it’s time to take a closer look at your company’s culture and operations.

Speak to Human today to discuss your Culture Audit

By focusing on creating a positive work environment, streamlining operations, and investing in employee development and retention, you can overcome these blockages and achieve long-term success.
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