Career Coaching Package

Tailored Human-Centric Coaching for Meaningful Career Development and Personal Growth

In this complete package you will work on a 1:1 basis with Amy to undertake our 4 stage coaching process

Stage 1 – Collate & Collect

In this 90 minute session we capture all the data we need to start developing your unique value proposition. We help you reflect and capture all the relevant data to help you fully express your career achievements and the benefit of your experience.

Stage 2 – Consider & Reflect

In this 90 minute session we work with you to reflect upon your career goals and achievements and build a plan of action to begin identifying your next steps and the best way to communicate your unique value to prospective employers.

Stage 3 – Articulate & Act

In this 90 minute session we work with you to build a powerful profile to articulate your unique value and build a list of potential employers. At the end of this session you’ll be ready to take your next step confidently.

Stage 4 – Interview preparation

Each 60 minute session includes interview preparation, coaching and confidence building. These sessions will leave you feeling prepared, confident to make the best use of your time with prospective employers. You will receive 3 interbiew preparation sessions as part of the coaching package with additional email and telephone support throughout.

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