Interviewing techniques for employers:

Job interviews can be daunting for both candidates and recruiting managers. When conducting an interview the focus is often naturally placed on the candidate. Experience gained throughout my career in recruitment has taught me that using the wrong questioning techniques or not looking beyond the CV could lead to that perfect future employee slipping through …

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The art of asking questions at an interview when you’re the candidate

  Congratulations, you’ve got an interview! Now the hard work really starts. As a candidate it’s worth remembering that there’s a part of the interview during which you’re in control of the questions. It’s normally at the end (after the hard work is over!) and you need to make the most of the opportunity. Remember …

The art of asking questions at an interview when you’re the candidate Read More »

Landing the perfect job – are you the right employee? And are they the right company?

  There’s a science to securing the perfect job that you shouldn’t underestimate. Because while you’re focusing on the title, job description, and salary, you’re missing a hugely important part of whether or not it’s the right job for you – the company itself. It could be the perfect role, but if you don’t like …

Landing the perfect job – are you the right employee? And are they the right company? Read More »

Why recruitment is the most important managerial skill

  When looking at what makes a great leader, qualities like toughness, decisiveness or the ability to inspire are often top of the list, however people often forget or undervalue the most important managerial skill of all. The ability to recruit the best people to their teams. In their recent book “How Google Works” Eric …

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