Caroline on her first year at Human and Employee Branding.

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I first walked through Human Recruitment’s doors. In some ways that first day feels like a lifetime ago, in others it could quite easily have been yesterday. So when Amy asked me to write a short blog post looking at the subject of employee branding, I felt looking back on my first year as a Human employee wasn’t a bad place to start.

I originally met Amy towards the end of 2014. A job she was working on had caught my eye and I decided to send in my CV. Having spent a number of years working in the recruitment industry, I was half expecting a brief phone call and little else. When I was almost instantly invited for an interview I began to realise there was something very different about Human’s approach.

I soon found myself nodding and agreeing when Amy described her own experiences of working in the industry. I recognised Human wasn’t just a company with big words, but one with big actions and an equally big heart. Without realising it I had bought into Human’s vision lock, stock and barrel – so much so that when asked if I had any questions, I couldn’t help myself from asking whether there were any vacancies at Human!

It was Amy’s simple desire to deliver a good service in the right way, for the right reasons which really fired my imagination. We kept in touch and a few months later when she told me of her plans to expand the business and asked whether I’d like to be part of them, I didn’t hesitate.

I soon found myself with arguably the most unusual job title of my career. From day one, working at Human has not only been refreshingly different to any business I’ve worked in previously, but rewarding too.

I had taken it for granted that much of my work would concentrate on supporting candidates and employers, but little did I know that within just a few weeks of my arrival I would find myself herding sheep at the Rotherham Real Ale and Music Festival, or as the cold winter months approached we would swap the warmth and comfort of our office to go out and meet a homeless charity, thinking nothing of donating a few pieces of warm clothing and other essentials. In fact, perhaps one thing I’ve learnt more than anything else whilst I’ve been working at Human has been to expect the unexpected!

So, what does a beer festival and supporting a homeless charity have in common in employee branding? Well, they go some way towards illustrating that working in a small business isn’t just a 9-5 affair, but it’s also the little things which matter most. It’s easy for a company owner to say how great their business is, but how often do you meet friends in the pub and hear them moan about their job or their boss? Hardly a great endorsement for their company!

If you listen to the marketing men, branding should run through a business like the name in a stick of rock. And that’s why employee branding matters: Happy and motivated employees will talk enthusiastically and passionately about their job to whoever listens: It’s the difference between doing something because you believe in the cause, or doing it to simply earn a salary. Trust me, there’s a world of difference!

One of the most rewarding aspects of working for Human is the work/ life balance it has brought to me. It’s enabled me to introduce a new addition at home too: Alfie my Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Joining Human has made me realise you can love your job, but loving your job doesn’t mean it should monopolise your time 24/7. I think that’s one of the best lessons I’ve learned over the past year.

Working at Human can be challenging, but for the right reasons. We all work hard for both our clients and candidates, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.




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