The Benefits of Interim Hiring

As I write, we are facing one of the most challenging economic periods in recent memory. Many organisations have fires to fight, there are structural changes to be made, and uncertainty abounds, but we all  need to keep trying to move forward. 


As an HR recruiter, I’m certain that HR will be on the front line of these changes, andHR professionals will be needed now more than ever. Though not forever,I think the sector-wide resurgence we are about to experience will lead to an increase in interim HR positions becoming available. In fact, we’ve already seen an uptick. 


So what’s involved in hiring on an interim basis, and how can Human help? 


We believe that placing someone in an interim position is as important as placing them in a permanent position—often, it’s even more important to get the match right. Interim professionals have less time to build a rapport with others and less time to get to grips with the business objectives than a permanent staff member, so a strong match often facilitates success from the outset. When time and progress are of the essence, it’s crucial to hit the ground running.


For Clients:

Interim professionals are ideal candidates to meet a wide range of transient business needs. They can fill often-restrictive staffing gaps caused by employee absences due  to illness, maternity or paternity leave, or even holidays; be engaged on a project basis to support an existing team that’s already at capacity; or simply come in as a fresh pair of eyes that are not embedded in the day-to-day minutiae of the organisation, leaving them able to get to work making an impact from the off.


Hiring someone without making a long-term commitment  with the option to end the engagement if it’s no longer necessary or effective for either party can also be hugely cost-effective for the hiring company.


For Interim Professionals:

Interim positions can also come with big benefits for employees filling them, including flexibility, the ability to experience a new sector with no long-term commitment attached, and the chance to develop your existing skills or just expand your network. 


Often, the experience you can accumulate during  time spent with a wide variety of different companies will make you more attractive to future employers. Working with different technologies, developing new skills, and experiencing new structures has great potential to add real value to your career.

If you would like to start a conversation about interim recruitment, please get in touch on 01709 717212 or email

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