What makes your business different?

Dan Broadbent

In a competitive market we all need to stand out, having worked with Dan & Objective Creative for our website we approached them for advice for everyone.

What makes your business different?

Many SME’s struggle to promote their unique qualities, and the strengths that differentiate their business from competitors.
Independent businesses often overlook the ‘little things’ they offer, that larger corporations struggle to provide.
We develop marketing strategies for clients ranging from SME’s to global corporations.
We often find that smaller companies are modest about their fantastic processes, procedures and people. We dig deep to uncover benefits to clients, and communicate these positive attributes to both existing and potential customers.
Our job is to encourage and enable businesses to be confident, to recognise their special qualities, and to promote what makes them different.
When developing your marketing strategy, speak to customers, suppliers and associates to understand what makes your business great (and different from the ordinary).
These qualities can be promoted by developing headline messages, or even a customer promise, to be used across all marketing communications. The process will help crystalise your approach amongst your team.
Once you have considered what makes your business great, and different to your competitors, its time to tell the world.
Every business deserves significant returns on their marketing investment. Carefully consider the marketing channels that are most appropriate (and cost effective) for your key audiences.
Ensure your marketing messages are appropriate for the marketing channels you choose. Understanding the format is as important as understanding your audience. How your customers read a letter differs from how they consume a social media post.
There are many facets to delivering a successful marketing plan, but with planning (and a little help from colleagues, customers and associates), you will recognise what makes your business different, and ultimately great!
Find where your (potential) audiences congregate, both online and offline, and you will have the foundations of a successful marketing strategy.
Don’t be daunted, we are here to help, it is what we do. If you have any questions please contact Objective Creative on 0114 253 6756 or visit www.objectivecreative.com.

Dan Broadbent is Managing Director of award winning marketing agency Objective Creative. www.objectivecreative.com

Dan Broadbent
Managing Director

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