Recognising Super Hu-Mums – Mothers Day 2017

To celebrate Mother’s Day we took the opportunity to speak to some colleagues, friends, and clients of Human to celebrate the hard working Super Hu-Mums across the region. Thanks to everyone who took part!

maria elliott

Name: Maria Elliott

When Did You Become A Mum?

In 2004 when my gorgeous son Jasper was born, then again in 2013 when I started becoming a step-mum to Lily and Henry

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Mum?

Seeing the children flourish and grow into confident and lovely people. Especially when they do silly and funny things to make us laugh

What’s The Hardest Thing About Being A working Mum?

When I was employed it was harder, as I was compromised sometimes by the hours I had to work. However, since I’ve become self-employed I have felt more able to prioritise the children – putting their needs first and working around that.

If You Could Share One Piece Of Advice With Other Working Mums, What Would It Be?

That it’s OK. You have to do what you have to do for your family at the time. Don’t beat yourself up, as the choices you make will pay dividends in the future. If you are going out to work, you are setting a good example for your children that you have to work hard in life to get where you want to be.

If You Could Nominate Another Super Hu-Mum Who Would It Be and Why?

My nominated super hu-Mum is my friend Anne. Not only is she a single mum to 2 gorgeous children, she runs her own successful business and looks after a team of employees, often putting their needs before her own.

Emily Oxford

Name: Emily Oxford

When Did You Become A Mum?

January 2015 – arrived a little earlier than planned but my little prem baby is now a full of energy 2 year old chatterbox!

 What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Mum?

Seeing my daughter develop and discovering new things for the first time.  It is amazing how quickly she picks things up.  At times it can be testing and she certainly knows how to push my buttons, but listening to her sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to herself in bed before she goes to sleep makes any day end on a high!

What’s The Hardest Thing About Being A working Mum?

Dividing my time between work and being at home. Children don’t fit into a Monday-Friday 9-5 schedule but I make sure that I make the most of our time together by doing fun things.  I love working as much as I love being a mum and I want my daughter to grow up understanding the importance of work-life balance and that it is important to work hard to be able to achieve your goals.

If You Could Share One Piece Of Advice With Other Working Mums, What Would It Be?

Be realistic about how you can divide your time and understand that you might not be there for everything. I missed seeing my daughter roll over for the first time and take her first tentative steps but there are so many other things I have been there for.

 If You Could Nominate Another Super Hu-Mum Who Would It Be and Why?

My friend Claire – we had our babies 3 weeks apart so have gone through the ups and downs of pregnancy, new-born to toddlerhood together and it is a great comfort to have someone to share both worries and happy times with, even at 2am!


Name: Karey Roberts

When Did You Become A Mum?


What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Mum?

The wonderful thing’s they say

What’s The Hardest Thing About Being A working Mum?

Juggling time

If You Could Share One Piece Of Advice With Other Working Mums, What Would It Be?

Do your Best and don’t feel guilty

 If You Could Nominate Another Super Hu-Mum Who Would It Be and Why?

My sister as she has been a great support and source of advice / sounding board.


Name: Linda Lawry

When Did You Become A Mum?

January 2013

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Mum?

The cuddles, kisses and the hilarious things they do & say, even the backchat.

What’s The Hardest Thing About Being A working Mum?

Finding the right balance.  I’m very lucky as I work flexibly but the thought of getting back into a less flexible work environment is frightening.

If You Could Share One Piece Of Advice With Other Working Mums, What Would It Be?

I don’t feel qualified to be handing out advice!
 If You Could Nominate Another Super Hu-Mum Who Would It Be and Why?

I know so many spectacular mum’s who are working, running businesses, raising families & supporting partners in their careers as well as dealing with everything life throws at them, it’s so hard to choose just one!  But there is one very special mum in my life & that’s my mum, she has put up with me, held down a job but never failed to show up when it counted & dealt with everything life has thrown her way, never seeming to be beaten down when I’m sure she’s felt that way many times.  She’s an inspiration.


Name: Louise Turner

When Did You Become A Mum?

Boxing Day 2006

What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Mum?

Seeing my children grow, change and revel in learning new things. Oh, and snuggling with them both and a film on a rainy afternoon

What’s The Hardest Thing About Being A working Mum?

The juggle. Working for myself means I’m lucky that I can take the kids to school and collect them every day. But I often then go back to my desk. I’m lucky that my husband tends to be home by 4pm so he takes over at that point, making dinner so we can eat together as a family and sorting the children’s lunches for the following day.  I did recently discover five more working hours in the week – 6-7am, Monday-Friday!

If You Could Share One Piece Of Advice With Other Working Mums, What Would It Be?

It’s just a phase! Literally everything is just a phase, from not sleeping through to the hopping mad tantrums, to the moods. No one can tell you when it will end, but it will. Remembering this keeps us sane in tough times.

 If You Could Nominate Another Super Hu-Mum Who Would It Be and Why?

I’d nominate Vicky Nolan of Croft Myl business centre in Halifax. She juggles her three girls and two award-winning family businesses. I have no idea how she does it!


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