Who-Not-How: Unleashing Growth Through People: 6 essential questions to ask yourself before creating a job description

Your Next Step in Hiring: Profile Builder for Scaling Teams

Hiring the best people is important for any business. Hiring the right people at the right time is paramount. Crafting an effective job description is just one step of many to identify, attract and engage the right people for your growing team.  

Get it wrong and it directly impacts the success, efficiency and culture of your organisation. Get it right and… we all know the rest of that story. 

Before you start writing the next job description for a new team member, there are six important questions to consider.

One question that plays over in every leader’s head at one time or another is: “Who do I need to hire next?” It’s a pivotal decision that can significantly impact an organisation’s growth and success. Hiring the right person for a specific role can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a guessing game. 


By asking a series of in-depth questions, we guide you through a thought-provoking process to understand what tasks should be delegated, automated, created, or considered for consolidation within your organisation.


Let’s take a closer look at some of the questions you should be asking yourself as the business leader to guide you toward making informed hiring decisions:


  1. What Do You Spend Time Doing That Only You Can Do?


The first question delves into the core of your responsibilities. It helps you identify tasks and functions that require your unique expertise and decision-making abilities. By recognising these key activities, you’ll ensure they remain under your direct supervision while freeing up your time for more strategic thinking.


  1. What Do You Spend Time Doing That Could Be Automated?


Automation is the key to efficiency. Human’s Profile Builder will prompt you to identify repetitive and time-consuming tasks that can be automated. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error, ensuring consistency and quality in your operations.


  1. What Can Be Delegated Tomorrow?


Delegation is a crucial skill for effective leadership. The tool will help you pinpoint tasks that can be passed on to others within your organisation. It considers whether you have team members with the necessary skills and resources to handle these responsibilities, paving the way for your team’s growth and development.


  1. Do You Have the Skills and Resources Within the Business to Delegate?


This question serves as a reality check. It encourages you to assess your team’s capabilities and whether they have the skills and resources required to take on the delegated tasks. By understanding your team’s potential, you can confidently entrust them with more responsibilities.


  1. Are There Tasks That Could Be Consolidated for Greater Efficiency?


This question focuses on the possibility of streamlining processes within your organisation. Would that 8 step process achieve the same outcome if it were only 5 steps? This question encourages you to examine if there are tasks or responsibilities that could be merged, leading to a more efficient use of resources and a clearer path for potential role creation.


  1. What Are the Long-Term Goals of This New Role?


Looking beyond the immediate needs of your business, this question asks you to envision the future. It prompts you to consider the strategic goals of the new role you’re planning to create, ensuring it aligns with your organisation’s growth and development.


The End Result: A Clear Profile for Your Next Hire


After a thoughtful journey through these and other questions, Profile Builder provides you with a clear and well-defined profile of the role your business needs to hire next. It takes into account your unique expertise, automation possibilities, delegation opportunities, potential for consolidation, and long-term strategic objectives.


Ready to Take the Next Step?


If you want to speak with our Talent Acquisition team, book a consultation call and they will work closely with you to identify the right candidate, craft a compelling job description, and assist you throughout the hiring process.


As a business leader, your time is precious. You are the driving force behind your organisation’s success, and it’s crucial to allocate your energy and expertise where it matters most. Human helps streamline your decision-making and helps you identify the critical roles your business needs.


Take the guesswork out of your next hire. Book a consultation today and take the next step in shaping your organisation’s future.


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