Human: Talent & HR Hackathon #3

On February 23rd we hosted our third Human Talent & HR Hackathon. We were joined by an amazing panel:

  • Lucy Capp, Internal Recruiter at Pricecheck
  • Janet Sutcliffe, Head of HR at United Response
  • Amanda Stainton, HR Director at Portakabin
  • Ant Perfect, Senior Talent Development Partner at The Very Group 
  • Steve Farmer, Managing Director Build & Connect at SPIE UK

 and discussed topics like:

  • How to compete in a candidate-driven market
  • Adjusting the way of working because of the current market and
  • How to become an employer of choice for graduates.


You can find the recording here.

To register for our next Human Hackathon or for more information, click here.

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