Why continuous recruitment is essential for building a talent pipeline

Building a talent pipeline is crucial if you want to attract the right talent to your team, but despite its many benefits, the process of continuous recruitment is an often-overlooked complementary method.

Reactive recruitment certainly has a place in some sectors and types of roles, and may even feel unavoidable if you have a surprise resignation within your company – but the longer a vacancy is left unfilled, the bigger the impact on your organisation. Continuous recruitment is a much more proactive approach, helping you to build a talent pipeline that provides excellent opportunities for finding the right staff at the right time.

Here are five great reasons for combining these two recruitment methodologies for the best possible results…

5 benefits of continuous recruitment

1.   Fast fulfilment of open vacancies – by building a network of potentially interested (and talented) parties for different areas of your business, you’re much less likely to be faced with a ‘vacancy void’. The longer it takes to fill a role, the more your productivity will suffer, which could ultimately affect your bottom line.

2.  Cost-savings – a long, drawn-out recruitment process means that funds that could be better directed elsewhere are being sapped away. Building a talent pipeline in anticipation of future needs means that you already have a target audience primed for positions as they become available, subsequently saving you money in recruitment costs – not to mention the potential loss of profit mentioned above.

3.  Employer appeal – a proactive approach to recruitment is a real boon when it comes to your brand’s reputation. By continually reaching out to workers with the skills your business requires, you’ll nurture a culture of confidence, where people want to work with you – and you’ll already have a positive pool of people to approach who are genuinely suitable for the role in question. If you recruit under pressure, you’re more likely to find that the successful candidate isn’t quite the right one.

4.   Staff motivation – when workers are hit with increased demands due to a colleague leaving they become more stressed and therefore less motivated. By having a ready-made pool of potential candidates to approach, you’ll be able to ease the burden of an increased workload more readily, which is crucial if you want to get the best out of your existing staff.

5.   Targeted skills – while soft skills are important, many higher level or more specialist roles require talented staff with specific skill-sets or experience. By building a talent pipeline ahead of a vacancy, you’ll be able to refine your recruitment process and target professionals who closely fit more niche requirements, rather than having the additional expense of post-recruitment training and mentoring.

Building a talent pipeline through continuous recruitment offers broader business development benefits too. Finding skilled workers who are ready to hit the ground running rather than spending weeks trying to identify suitable candidates means that operational targets, staff retention and service quality standards are met and increased. With the right team on your side, you’ll also benefit from fresh ideas and the drive and determination of a new member of staff who already feels valued due to your positive activity in finding them!

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