Think relationships, not transactions: Could talent pipe-lining solve your recruitment headaches

Could talent pipe-lining solve your recruitment headaches?

Some of the most senior business leaders in the world believe skills shortages in the workplace are reaching crisis levels.

According to accountancy giant PWC’s annual CEO Survey, concerns over skills shortages have been rapidly growing. In 2009, just 46% of CEOs cited skills shortages as a concern, this year the number rose to 73%. Clearly it’s a growing problem, so how should your business attract the best talent?

Lack of active candidates in the market place coupled with growing numbers of businesses needing to overcome skills shortages in the workplace means re-thinking the traditional recruitment process.

Progressive employers have recognised for some time that attracting the best talent isn’t simply about following the traditional recruitment model of placing an advert or engaging with an agency and waiting for CVs to land on their desk.

Wait to recruit until the last minute and your already on back foot. By appointing an agency or indeed several agencies on a contingency (no placement, no fee) basis to scour the current available talent there is a clear onus upon finding individuals quickly but this can mean you are limiting your ability to really tap into the market place. After all, there’s a world of difference between the best candidate and the best available candidate.

It’s all about choices: Do you want the best available talent delivered to you as quickly as possible or would you rather employ an individual, who shares your company’s vision and values, but isn’t necessarily active in the jobs market?

Proactive talent pipelining is defined as the skill of identifying, channelling and engaging with candidates BEFORE a job has even become available. It’s an approach which is being increasingly embraced by organisations who want to attract and develop top performers for their teams.

Effective recruiters are capable of identifying and responding not only to existing immediate needs within the business but also ensuring future ones are met by working alongside you to develop and nurture your talent pipeline.

There are many advantages to employers when adopting this strategic approach; here are five factors you should consider when building a talent pool:

Identify your top talent.

What makes a superstar in your organisation? Where did they come from? How did you engage them? What keeps them motivated? All of this information will help you establish how to duplicate your recruitment process and start engaging likeminded applicants with a similar skill set.

Understand risk.

Is your business future proof? What potential gaps are likely to appear in the skills of your workforce? Do you have contingency plans if a top performer exits the business? Are you prepared for maternity, paternity or adoption leave? Look for all areas where your business may be exposed to risk and add those roles to your talent pipeline.

Developing the right strategy will reduce the time needed to fill positions

Developing a pipeline of talent means you should understand your long term business plans. Recruitment strategies should always reflect your business strategy, enabling your business to respond to future challenges and opportunities.

Working proactively means you don’t have to compromise on the quality of hire, meaning your team will continue to run smoothly even throughout the recruitment process.

Communication is king

A talent pool isn’t simply about having a fist full of candidate CVs which match your skills sets or needs, it’s ultimately about ensuring they match the culture and values of your business.

Spend time getting to know candidates outside of a formal recruitment process, it can help to assess whether they are aligned with the vision and values within with your existing workforce.  Once you have approached and forged lines of communication, you need to keep them engaged.

Place them on a mailing list for a company newsletter, add them to the Christmas e-card list, send them a vacancy update once per month. Give them a call once per quarter to gain an update on their skill set and situation. It doesn’t really matter how you engage them as long as you keep them engaged with your business and any future opportunities that may be coming available.

Think relationships, not transactions

Even if there isn’t a role available for them right now, the benefits of proactive talent sourcing far outweigh the ability to fill vacancies on time and within budget. Building a talent pool is about building confidence within your business and creating opportunities to attract the best possible candidates who are already engaged with your visions and values.

Recruitment is changing: From the way individuals look for work and discover potential opportunities to ultimately building and developing their careers within your business. Gone are the days when posting an advert resulted in a flurry of talented individuals flocking to your door. Your inbox may be full but is it full of the right applicants?

To help solve your Talent related headaches, Human has developed a new process to support you and your business to attract the best talent in your market place not just the best available talent, on time and in budget.

To learn more about the Human Approach to Recruitment, click here to book a free 15-minute consultation.

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