Truth: In December, The Best Candidates Are Waiting for Your Call!

We bought an advent calendar for our little one way back at the start of November. It wasn’t intentional. I was on a quick trip to Tesco and she was with me; so many of you will know how that one plays out – won’t you?…

I love Christmas…but!

The festive break is an important event for all of us. One where we have an opportunity to meet up with our loved ones and have a good time.

A great opportunity for the world of retail and hospitality too, as people start to prepare for the 25th with a round of spending and Christmas parties anytime from the middle of November. Now I know that this early start to the Christmas festivities has been creeping up on us for years so let’s step back a bit.

Families and holidays are one thing and building your successful and growing team is another.

The truth about recruiting great talent

Something it’s important to know: People are still looking to move onto the next rung of their career ladder in December; trust me as the owner of a busy recruitment company I know because I am speaking to them daily, especially at this time of year.

Yet why is it so many organisations put on hold their recruitment until January, when there are so many outstanding candidates ready, interested and available to talk and importantly attend your interview in December?

The truth is for many hiring managers recruiting is one part of their role and, no offence to them, what I am about to share might not be at the front of their mind.

Candidates are reviewing their year already

All the things I mentioned earlier do have an upside. The end of the year reflections usually start around the same time that we prepare for Christmas. Work is a major part of all our lives so it’s normal for us to think about career goals and aspirations as the year ends.

Usual working practices are often different in December. People who are normally totally focused and dedicated re-evaluate their work and life situation, meaning they are more likely to respond favourably to a job they might have otherwise dismissed.

I know when I worked for someone else, before I created Human, I was planning what I wanted for the following year from the start of November!

At the beginning of this week I had three calls from very employable candidates who have started their reflections already and want to set up interviews before the end of the year. Which leads me onto another point…

People are open and available

As managers in organisations, I am sure we have all experienced the flood of holiday applications as people use up their holiday entitlement. Though hopefully your employees aren’t attending interviews; on the flipside, when you recruit this month you will often find that juggling interview times and candidates availability becomes so much easier.

When they zig let’s zag

A well-known business premise is that there are upsides in going against the grain, especially when it comes to doing those extra things, like continuing to recruit in December.

Get the best talent before any of your competitors, who may think it’s better to leave recruitment until the New Year.

A story springs to mind from a couple of years ago, of a highly-qualified HR manager who had the choice of two, almost identical roles and packages.

One organisation wanted to wait until January. My candidate wanted closure and to know exactly what he was doing the following year. I guess you can work out which company got the outstanding hire?

I know it’s a different take for many and yet the next few weeks could be a bountiful time for your recruitment drive. While others are switching off, you are gearing up, and meeting with the top candidates and handling your recruitment needs to get 2017 off with a bang.

Wishing you all the best for a successful December!


P.S. Ready to recruit in December? At Human we are available with the candidates to boot. Call 01709 717212 or fill out the contact form here.

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