Charity begins at Human.


We all have to be Super Human at times and deciding the Who, What, With, Why and When can be a tough choice to make but when the drive/support is passionate throughout the company it’s wonderful to know that you can make a difference with a couple of quid during business hours.

As both Amy and I are from South Yorkshire we love getting on with the day job helping both local businesses and candidates achieve their goals but at the same time having the opportunity of supporting local and national causes. From sponsoring the Rotherham Football Sunday League (Human League), running a Macmillan Coffee event raising an amazing £197.04 to our latest venture Soup-er Human, an event we held last week to support Rotherham Hospice. With the help of some amazing people Reece of Urban Pantry Deli in Sheffield, the team of Moorhead Savage (Pauls’ culinary skills showcased in his amazing Minestrone Soup) and Tesco in Rotherham to name but a few, through selling soup, rolls and cakes to occupiers and visitors to the Moorgate Crofts Business Centre we raised £140.00. We have also been proud to be involved with Grimm & Co and falling under their spell to encourage both children’s imagination & writing skills made volunteering to run their recruitment campaign for free an easy decision. We also attended LEAF 2015 which was held at Magna last month, presenting employability skills to teenagers and supporting job seekers find a direction and support in securing work.

To close the year of 2015 we are holding Afternoon Tea around the Tree on Monday 14th December again in support of Rotherham Hospice but also, as we are a drop off point for Mission Christmas Cash for Kids this will be the final drop off day for unwrapped gifts for the HallamFM campaign before we magically become Christmas elf’s and deliver the gifts to Alan Ogle and his Super Human team.

As mentioned in my previous blog, time really does fly when you are having fun whilst doing a job you can’t wait to get into the office for but also having the opportunity and encouragement to be able to make a difference throughout the community (Miss World quotes finished J) Helping change doesn’t always have to be about giving money, an hour of your time a month or holding a sponsored dog walk all adds up. Stay tuned for more information about this, our February event.

I am proud of what we here at Human Recruitment do alongside the day job and long may it continue!

If you would like to know more about our Super Human approach or are a charity looking for support with recruitment please contact us: 01709 717212 or 01143 990085

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