“I have never been so happy to receive a call”

I was ever so lucky, I applied for an Events Coordinator on the 16th April and within a few hours I received a call from the Ladies at Human. They asked me about my work experience, my skills and a little about me. After this they gave me more information about the role and I was intrigued and wanted to find out more, we arranged to meet that same day.

At the initial interview Caroline took more information about me and my experience what roles I was looking for, locations etc. Once this was complete we started to talk about the role in more depth.

I was given a booklet to take away containing more information about the role at Arthrex and the job description. I felt confident about the job and had my finger crossed hoping I would get an interview. Once I was home I did my research into the company, looking online, finding out more about what I hoped would be my future employer.

I received a call several days later offering me an interview at Arthrex. I was really happy to be given the chance to show off my experience and skills to the company. The interview was a few weeks away so I was able to prepare and with the help of the ladies at Human they made sure I was clued up on the role. The interview came round quickly; I found the location easily however Caroline reassured me she was only a phone call away. I felt nervous at the interview; we spoke about my experience and skills, also a little about my hobbies and personal interests. The interview lasted about 45 minutes; it was hard to figure out if it went well or not. The ladies at Human rang me to ask about the interview, how I felt about the company, if the role was right for me, could I see myself fitting in etc. Caroline said they would contact Rosalyn to find out how it went and would be in touch with me soon. I received a call on the 21st May, saying they would like me to attend a second interview with the Hiring Manager. I obviously accepted with excitement. I then received my confirmation email with date and time and also asked if I could create and present a presentation, I was nervous but I set to work on my presentation.

The 8th June came round quickly, I went to the interview more confident armed with the presentation, rather than printing off the presentation I took my laptop to make it easier, which I think Rosalyn liked. The interview went well, I left still feeling confident. Again the ladies contacted me asking how it went, I said it went well but wasn’t 100% sure. A few hours later I received another call from the ladies saying they would like to offer me the role as Exhibitions Co-ordinator at Arthrex!! I have never been so happy to receive a call. I received my contract within a few days which I had to read and sign.

I handed in my notice at the temporary job I was in, giving them two weeks to find a replacement. The countdown was on!!

One afternoon I came home to a birthday card from the ladies at Human, which I thought was really nice of them. I start on Monday and I’m extremely nervous to start my new adventure within Arthrex.

Thank you Amy & Caroline for your help and support to get this brilliant role at Arthrex

5 days to GO!!

Thank you

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