A Candidates New Venture

A blog you say? I’ll give it a go!

I have one more week left in my current job at ‘Sheffield Theatres’ before moving to work as an Event Logistics Coordinator at ‘Arthrex’ a job that ‘Recruit Human’ very much helped me obtain, here is, in a few words (hopefully not too many) how…
I have worked at Sheffield Theatres for just over three and a half years, and despite being a relatively interesting and alternate place to work the job role I currently hold does not offer any progression and I am not doing my Event Management degree any justice – also I could do with a little pay rise if I do say so myself. I therefore felt that the role at Arthrex was perfect for me. The role ticked so many boxes, it related to my degree, offered a better salary, was extremely local to where I live (city parking and/or bus journeys were really starting to grate!) and meant I no longer had to work to a shift pattern – I could be a normal person once more and enjoy evenings and weekends!
Upon applying for the role, the advertisement didn’t actually state the name of the company as ‘Human’ are a recruitment agency for ‘Arthrex’ so my initial application went through and was vetted by ‘Human’. I had never used a recruitment agency when applying for jobs before, so this was a new experience to me. One, looking back I would highly recommend as it definitely eases the pressure of looking for a new job – It feels like you have someone there fighting your corner with you even if I had been unsuccessful (which fortunately I wasn’t.) I felt like Human would have been there to pick me up and move on to the next possibility.
Amy from ‘Human’ contacted me and explained that she was the recruiting agent for ‘Arthrex’ and suggested that we meet up so she could a) get to know me a little better b) if this was the right role for me and c) to explain the role and the company in a bit more detail. It felt fresh, feeling that I was being put first (I.E. being asked that coming from working in a Theatre or having a degree that involved the arts this would still be the right move for me as she could contact some of her other contacts) if that makes sense? It felt like I was being put first as opposed to sometimes when you apply for a job you feel like the employer is obviously the top dog as dismissing your CV before they even know you.
I met with Amy and had a good informal chat. She told my about ‘Arthrex’, what they did, the role, and was very honest. She explained that ‘Arthrex’ were bidding their time for the right employee. She advised that from our chat and my CV she wanted to put me forward for an interview, of which I of course agreed to, she even told me how many other candidates would be put forward and helped me prepare for the interview.
My first interview went well, I don’t feel like it was the best interview I ever gave, I don’t usually get that nervous in interviews but I was thrown a few curveball questions – Amy asked me to contact her to let her know how it went once I got out, I did so and she said she’d keep me updated.

The following day Human contacted me stating that Arthrex would like to arrange a second interview – in which a presentation would take place. Human constantly kept in contact asking how my presentation was going, I also forwarded them a copy to read through to see if I was on the right path. A matter of hours later, Amy called to inform me that I had been successful in my interview and to offer me the job. It had taken a month from my first interview to getting offered the job role, however references were quickly exchanged and my noticed was handed in the same day! I’ve even signed my new contract and returned a copy to ‘Arthrex’ ready for when I start next week.
Which leaves me where I am now, with one week to go at ‘Sheffield Theatres’ and a start date of the 6th of July with ‘Arthrex’. I would totally recommend Human (and already have to friends) to anyone looking for a little help finding a new job, professional yet personal I even received a good luck on your new job card from them. To Human I say one big ol’ thank you! I look forward to my new chapter!
That’s great, best of luck Rob! We know you’ll do a great job.

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